My full name is Rudolf (Ruda) Jarolim and I was born in Pardubice on August 17, 1952.
I attended grade school there till 4th grade and than we moved to Praha, Zizkov where I lived till our escape June 10th .While in Praha I read just about every book written by Jaroslav Foglar and was a secret admirer of him. During the spring of 1965 I wrote a letter to Mr.Foglar just telling him how much I liked his books and how much inspirational they were to me. He responded later by a short lettered and invited to me visit his Hosi od Bobri Recky Club that was than located in Radlice. After a short visit with him and his members I joined the Club and was totally immersed in its activities and adventures. The following two summers I attended his month long camp out at Tatra Hory pod Krivanem near Banska Bistrice. It was great and I love every minute of it.
During the second summer there the film Poklad Cerneho Delfina was filmed and I had the fortune to be the major actor in it.
During the spring of 1967 the film was released and I was able to view it in Prague cinemas.
Unfortunately, and I am saying this with mixed feelings I had to leave the country and thus terminating all ties with Jaroslav Foglar. Because of the Communist Regime I was not able to communicate with him from USA for a fear of reprisals on him and the Club.
We escaped during the June of 1967 and emigrated to USA.
I have been living here ever since and do like it. However I miss all that Foglar stuff and now I am trying to reestablish some contacts and perhaps develop ties with some of my Foglars club members.
So about a month ago a thought occurred to me that perhaps I can get hold of that film on VHS format and perhaps establish a link between you all Foglars fans and here in USA.
Hope I did shed some light on my sudden appearance in your email and hope you can understand that despite the 35 years of absence from CZ and Foglar's ideals
that I am still interested, curious and very much nostalgic about Hosi od Bobri Reky Club.
Perhaps in a near future we can get some emails exchanged and perhaps we can establish some formal contacts with Foglar's friends in CZ and Foglars friends here in USA.
BOHOUSEK.CZ ( - zpravodajský a informační servis - Foglar a Rychlé šípy
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